TerniEnergia announces that on March 31, 2017, a change in the Company’s voting took place as an effect of the accrual of the increased voting rights pursuant to art. 127-quinquies of the consolidated finance act – TUF.

This announcement is made pursuant to art. 85-bis of the Issuers’ Regulations adopted by CONSOB with decision no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as well as art. 2.6.2. of the Regulations and art. IA 2.3.4 of the Instructions to the Regulation of the Markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.

In the specific case, the following is pointed out:

–      TerniEnergia S.p.A.’s share capital equals Euro 59,197,230.00 and consists of 47,089,550 shares without nominal value;

–      on March 31, 2017, the right to the increase accrued for 4,872,943 shares (two voting rights per share) out of a total of 47,089,550 shares, which brought about a change in total voting rights from 47,089,550 to 51,962,493;

–      pursuant to subsection 8 of art. 127-quinquies of the consolidated finance act – TUF, the increase of the voting rights is calculated towards the determination of the quorums for the Shareholders’ Meeting to meet and pass decisions.

It is also announced that the 1,377,411 shares are registered in the list of increased voting rights; said increase is currently being vested.

New situation Previous situation
No. of shares No. of voting rights No. of shares No. of voting rights
Ordinary shares 42,216,607 42,216,607 47,089,550 47,089,550
Ordinary shares with increased voting rights 4,872,943 9,745,886
Total 47,089,550 51,962,493 47,089,550 47,089,550