Computer aided diagnosis support system for the quantification of the arthritis rheumatoid pathology using magnetic resonance images


SIDARMA aims at developing an innovative software system for the diagnosis and the management of chronic diseases – such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – based on Magnetic Resonance (MR) image processing and analysis.


SIDARMA aims at delivering a product able to support the diagnosis and management of clinical evolution of patients affected by RA by providing:

  • a support for the evaluation of the pathology status by (semi)automatic analysis of RM images and measurement of anatomic injury due to bone erosion;
  • a device for the pathology evolution monitoring and management, based on periodic observation, temporal correlation of objective parameters and evaluation of clinical history and adopted therapy.

The project will include the following activities:

  • study and formalization of diagnostic and management procedures usually adopted for RA;
  • design and development of (semi)automatic methods for the measurement of bone erosion parameters as identifiable from MRI techniques (wrist articulation);
  • implementation of a system supporting the monitoring and registration of pathology evolution, with the visualization of diagnostic images and of temporal evolution of parameters affected by adopted therapy;
  • implementation of a system supporting collection, management and reuse of previous expertise by mean of semantic annotation and classification of observed cases for comparison purpose;
  • release of a demonstrative prototype integrating parameter measurement and patient management;
  • validation on real case trials;
  • marketing.

Several instrumental and laboratory exams are commonly used to evaluate RA progression and associated anatomic injury (e.g. bone erosion, whose extension can be effectively evaluated by MRI).

SIDARMA aims at delivering a product able to support the diagnosis and management of clinical evolution of patients affected by RA by providing:

  • a support for the evaluation of the pathology status by (semi)automatic analysis of RM images and measurement of anatomic injury due to bone erosion;
  • a device for the pathology evolution monitoring and management, based on periodic observation, temporal correlation of objective parameters and evaluation of clinical history and adopted therapy.


A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.

  • algoWatt SpA
  • Università di Genova – DISI – VICOLAB (IT)
  • Università di Genova – DIMI (IT)



algoWatt SpA

P.O.R. LIGURIA FESR (2007-2013) ASSE 1 “INNOVAZIONE E COMPETITIVITÀ” Bando Azione 1.2.2 “Ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale”

24 months