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algoWatt’s Board of Directors approves the draft financial statements as at 31 December 2021 1 file(s) 1223 downloads |
2022 EN, financial reports, press release | 29.03.2022 | Download |
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In this section it is possible to consult the corporate notices of the algoWatt group such as publication of documents, convocation and postponement of assemblies, notices of deposit and financial reports.
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Notice of filing of minutes of the Bondholders’ Meeting of the Algowatt Tv Eur6m+1.5 Dc27 Amort bond – ISIN Code: IT0004991573 1 file(s) 6664 downloads |
2021 EN, alerts, bondholders alerts, press release | 19.01.2021 | Download |
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Notice of filing of Annual Financial Report as at 31 December 2018 1 file(s) 13704 downloads |
2019 EN, alerts, press release, public alerts | 01.10.2019 | Download |
Published the Terms and conditions of the bond loan “Euro 25,000,000.00 notes two 2019 – ISIN Code: IT0004991573” 1 file(s) 14417 downloads |
2019 EN, alerts, bondholders alerts, press release | 08.08.2019 | Download |
Published the Admission document of the bond loan “Euro 25,000,000,000.00 notes due 2019 – ISIN Code: IT0004991573” 1 file(s) 14554 downloads |
2019 EN, alerts, bondholders alerts, press release | 04.02.2019 | Download |
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Bondholders alert 0 file(s) 4240 downloads |
2015 EN, alerts, archive, bondholders alerts, press release | 16.12.2021 | Download |
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Published the update of the information document about the merger of TERNIGREEN in TERNIENERGIA 0 file(s) 3226 downloads |
archive, extraordinary transactions, press release | 15.03.2018 | Download |