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Progetto di bilancio separato al 31.12.2017 0 file(s) 253 downloads |
2018 EN, annual reports, archive, extraordinary meetings, financial reports, ordinary meetings, shareholders meetings | 23.05.2018 | Download |
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Progetto di bilancio separato al 31.12.2017 0 file(s) 253 downloads |
2018 EN, annual reports, archive, extraordinary meetings, financial reports, ordinary meetings, shareholders meetings | 23.05.2018 | Download |
Consolidated Annual financial statement as at 2014.12.31 0 file(s) 212 downloads |
2015 EN, annual reports, archive, financial reports, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
Auditor’s report consolidated financial statement as at 2014.12.31 0 file(s) 202 downloads |
2015 EN, annual reports, archive, financial reports, ordinary meetings, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
Auditor’s report separated financial statement as at 2014.12.31 0 file(s) 214 downloads |
2015 EN, annual reports, archive, financial reports, ordinary meetings, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
In this section it is possible to consult the corporate notices of the algoWatt group such as publication of documents, convocation and postponement of assemblies, notices of deposit and financial reports.
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Full Notice of Special Meeting SFP algoWatt – SFP Meeting 25-01-2022 1 file(s) 585 downloads |
2022 EN, alerts, extraordinary meetings, public alerts, shareholders meetings | 18.01.2022 | Download |
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Meeting notice convening 2015.11.18 0 file(s) 1800 downloads |
2015 EN, alerts, archive, ordinary meetings, shareholders alerts, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
Meeting notice convening 2015.04.24 0 file(s) 1737 downloads |
2015 EN, alerts, archive, ordinary meetings, shareholders alerts, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
Meeting notice convening 2014.12.15 0 file(s) 1815 downloads |
2014 EN, alerts, archive, ordinary meetings, shareholders alerts, shareholders meetings | 17.02.2020 | Download |
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Informative document: acquisition until 100% of Greenled Industry’s share capital 0 file(s) 1697 downloads |
2015 EN, archive, extraordinary transactions, ordinary meetings, shareholders meetings | 16.12.2021 | Download |
Summary report’s of the Shareholder’s meeting vote 2013.03.08 0 file(s) 1316 downloads |
2013 EN, archive, extraordinary meetings, extraordinary transactions, shareholders meetings | 04.02.2019 | Download |