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All news2022-06-27T11:19:19+02:00

algoWatt files before the Court of Milan an application for extension of the time limit for filing the application pursuant to Articles 40 and 284 CCII

By |1.03.24|Categories: highlights, Press Release|

algoWatt S.p.A., a GreenTech Solutions Company listed on the [...]

Accolta l’istanza di concordato preventivo “con riserva” e nominati i Commissari Giudiziali

By |5.01.24|Categories: Comunicati Stampa, Highlights, Notizie|

algoWatt S.p.A., GreenTech Solutions Company quotata sul mercato Euronext [...]

algoWatt wins funding within the SIESTA project for a use case on Energy Communities

By |3.01.24|Categories: highlights, Innovation, News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The company will act as a Digital Energy Service [...]

Filed with the Court of Milan the application for the company’s admission to the ‘conditional’ arrangement procedure

By |31.12.23|Categories: highlights, Press Release|

algoWatt (the Company, the Issuer), a GreenTech Company listed on [...]

The Board of Directors resolved to file an application for composition “with reservation” pursuant to Articles 44 and 284 of Legislative Decree No. 14 of 12 January 2019 with the Court of Milan

By |29.12.23|Categories: highlights, News, Press Release|

The Board of Directors of algoWatt, a GreenTech Company [...]

algoWatt si aggiudica finanziamento di circa 114 mila euro per il progetto INNOVACER a supporto delle Comunità Energetiche

By |5.12.23|Categories: Comunicati Stampa, Highlights, Innovazione, Ricerca e innovazione|

algoWatt, GreenTech Company quotata sul mercato Euronext Milan di [...]

Rivivi l’edizione 2023 di White Focus, con l’intervento di algoWatt sulle CER

By |1.12.23|Categories: Eventi, Green Enterprise & Cities, Green utilities, Highlights, Notizie|

White Focus 2023: rivedi il video integrale o quello [...]

algoWatt e le CER: protagonisti dell’energia sostenibile in un evento del Municipio IV di Genova

By |20.11.23|Categories: Eventi, Notizie|Tags: , |

algoWatt Spa sarà tra i protagonisti dell'importante evento informativo su [...]

algoWatt al White Focus 2023: Libra CE, la piattaforma smart per le CER e l’autoconsumo a distanza

By |6.11.23|Categories: Eventi, Highlights, Notizie|

algoWatt partecipa al White Focus 2023, l’evento dedicato alle soluzioni [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 30 settembre 2023

By |31.10.23|Categories: Comunicati Stampa, Notizie|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno [...]