TerniEnergia S.p.A., a company operating in the renewable energy sector and listed on STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, announces that to date 16 industrial sized photovoltaic plants for a total power of 18.3 MWp are in an advanced construction phase in the following regions: Umbria, Marche, Piemonte, Molise, Lazio and Puglia. The completion of the above mentioned plants is expected to take place within March 31st, 2011. Two of the sixteen plants are “full equity” financed for a capacity of approximately 1.6 MWp, five of them are for Joint Venture companies with EDF EN Italia and their capacity amounts approximately to 8.2 MWp, whilst the remaining nine plants are performed on account of third party clients for a total power of 6.2 MWp.
Notably, it is worth highlighting 2 plants of national importance, that were performed on account of Energia Alternativa and Energie – both of them being equally owned joint venture companies incorporated by TerniEnergia and EDF EN Italia –  in Ancona and Latina, each of them for an installed power exceeding 3 MWp.