TerniEnergia, a company active in the field of renewable energy, one of the principal system integrators in Italy in the photovoltaic sector and quoted on the Expandi Market of the Italian Stock Exchange, has announced the start up of works for making 7 photovoltaic plants in Puglia with a total capacity of 6 MWp.

The better weather conditions of the last days has allowed to start up the works in all the construction sites at the same time. The plant completion is planned by June.
Six of the photovoltaic parks will be made in the Salento region, an ideal territory for the solar energy production for its ground radiation conditions which are among the most favourable in Italy (see the picture next to here).
Part of the plants will be realized on behalf of the joint venture T.E.R.N.I. SolarEnergy active in the field of electrical energy production and selling.

“For the development of our activity it is particularly positive the fact that we started our activities to make plants with a significant total capacity, installed in a territory having optimal solar radiation and climate conditions” declared Stefano Negri, president of TerniEnergia. Mr. Negri added: “Together with the 7 photovoltaic parks having a 5.7 MWp total capacity and linked to the network in 2008 by T.E.R.N.I. SolarEnergy, some of these new plants will therefore contribute to our activity of electrical generation which is in line with the 2009 expectations notwithstanding the negative weather conditions in the first months of the current year”.

