For the fourth consecutive year TerniEnergia promotes a workshop on Italian Energy system, with special regard to renewables

TerniEnergia, a company operating in the renewable energy sector, one of the main system integrator in Italy in the photovoltaic sector, announces that on 9 October 2009 a workshop whose title is “Renewable and Nuclear Energy” will take place at the building of Borsa Italiana in Milan.
This year the usual meeting at Piazza Affari promoted by TerniEnergia, now at its fourth edition, will deal with an update on the industrial and financial perspectives of the photovoltaic sector and will be enriched with an in-depth analyses on the possible development of the Italian electric system. The meeting will give a chance to think about the various technologies’ potentials under a sustainable viewpoint.

Milano, 9 ottobre 2009
Borsa Italiana, Palazzo Mezzanotte
Piazza degli Affari 6
Start of Works ore 9,00.