A photovoltaic plant of 1.78 MWp capacity, located in Marsciano Municipality (in the Province of Perugia) in Umbria, has been connected to the Enel electric net in M.T. and started running.

The plant has been performed in a three month period only (the works started on January 25, testing and connection to the net took place on April 30) by TerniEnergia on behalf of EnergiaAlternativa (a joint venture company owned by TerniEnergia and EDF EN Italia). Such a plant is the second photovoltaic plant built in Umbria in terms of power and it follows only S. Sofia plant (3 MWp) belonging to the same joint venture company and located in the Municipality of Narni (in the province of Terni) and that has been running since September 2009.

The plant in Marsciano, that was built using 7568 Yingli 235 Wp modules, produces energy that is expected to be approximately 2.3 million kWh/year, and that is capable to fill energy need of 762 families and to avoid the issuance of Co2 in the atmosphere for approximately 1360 t/year.

Thanks to the start of running of Marsciano plant, TerniEnergia and EDF EN Italia enriched further the number of plants that they have in portfolio for the production and sale of energy from photovoltaic solar source; the accrued power of the plants jointly performed since 2007 exceeds 24 MW and it will increase by the end of this year of further 8 MW, taking into account the eight plants that are already in an advanced building phase.