TerniEnergia  S.p.A.,  a company operating in the renewable Energy sector  and listed on the Star segmento of Borsa Italiana, and Alchimia Energy 3 S.r.l. (“The Purchaser”), signed an agreement for the transfer of a PV plant of  837,20 kWp, nominal power, on the ground, located in the municipality of Perugia: Ramazzano. The PV system, has all the requirements and all the permissions to get access to the incentive rate  of the Year 2010. The transaction’s is Euro 3,1 million (equal to Euro 3.700 each kWp).

Payment in cash as follows: first tranche today and the other tranche by getting the inventive rate.
The President and Ceo of TerniEnergia, prof. Stefano Neri, said:
 “ Agreement signed today represents a very important commercial operation. In this case B.O.T. (build, operate and transfer), established with Alchimia Group and the manager Marina Salamon, confirms the excellent relationship between the two companies. TerniEnergia group makes a further step in the process of diversification of corporate activities, in line with our development program presented to the financial community. We highlight, that this operation allow us to optimize the margins as system integrator  and increase the industrial know how of TerniEnergia,”.
TerniEnergia was assisted by Avv. Francesca Ricci as legal advisor and  Alchimia by the law firm Lovells (Avv. Gianroberto de Giovanni, Avv. Maria Cristina Ruberti e Dott. Mattia Casarosa).