A workshop dedicated to ” green industry and global horizons” on October 19 at 9.00 CET in Milan – Palazzo Mezzanotte

• Expected participation of Renato Mannheimer of ISPO, VedoGreen, Envent, Greenled Industry and Italeaf

• The event will be open to the public with free registration


Terni, October 9, 2013


TerniEnergia, a company active in the renewable energy sectors, energy efficiency and waste management, listed on Star segment of Borsa Italiana, will present to the Italian financial and industrial community the Industrial Plan 2014-2016 and the 2013 target with a scheduled event on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 9:00 am in Milan at the Italian Stock Exchange – Palazzo Mezzanotte, Piazza degli Affari 6 .

The event, which will be open to the public upon registration on the site of TerniEnergia at the following URL:  http://www.ternienergia.com/index.php/eventi, will see among the speakers Mr Stefano Neri, Chairman and CEO, Mr Paolo Ricci and Mr Fabrizio Venturi, managing directors, and Mr Filippo Calisti, director of planning and control.

The presentation of the business plan will take place at the workshop on ” Green Industry and global horizons – Internationalization, new financial models, production scenarios, technological innovation and start-ups to boost growth”, organized by Terni Research Group.

The participation of independent panelists is expected, which enrich the workshop with testimonials, research and studies very expected by the Italian and international business and financial community. In particular, Anna Lambiase, CEO of VedoGreen, and Renato Mannheimer, Chairman of ISPO, will present the results of the survey on institutional investors and opinion leaders of the VedoGreen Observatory. Nicola Romito, Chairman of Power Capital Advisors, will explore the theme of green energy as a new asset class for institutional investors, and Franco Gaudenti, managing partner of Envent, will highlight aspects of analysis and scenario related to the capital market for the green companies involved in internationalization. The panel of speakers will be completed by Corrado Giancaspro, CEO of Greenled Industry, which will deal with the energy saving industrial and opportunities for the LED market, and Federico Zacaglioni, Head of development of Italeaf, which will report on the creation of new cleantech companies and acceleratiof italian startup ecosystem in sustainable industry.


Ore 8.45 Registration
Ore 9.15 VedoGreen Observatory : results of the survey on institutional investors and opinion leaders

Anna Lambiase – CEO VedoGreen / Renato Mannheimer – Chairman ISPO

Ore 9.45 Trends and innovations in the LED industry : the energy saving industrial opportunities

Corrado Giancaspro – CEO Greenled Industry

Ore 10.10 Accelerating a new generation of cleantech startups

Federico Zacaglioni – Head of Corporate Communication T.E.R.N.I. Research

Ore 10.30 Internationalization and global growth of the green industry

Stefano Neri – Chairman & CEO TerniEnergia

Ore 11.00 Coffee break
Ore 11.30 Renewables and circular economy: visions and development scenarios

Paolo Ricci – Managing Director TerniEnergia

Ore 11.50 Green Energy: a new asset class for institutional investors

Nicola Romito – Pres. Power Capital

Ore 12.10 TerniEnergia Green Company: the new business plan. Industrial and financial aspects

Fabrizio Venturi – Managing Director TerniEnergia / Filippo Calisti – Planning and Control Officer TerniEnergia

Ore 12.40 The capital market : a resource for Italian companies for growth and internationalization. Analysis and evidence

Franco Gaudenti – Managing Partner EnVent Independent Financial Advisor

Ore 13.00 Conclusion of the workshop