Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, in consideration of some remarks made ​​by Consob, resolved on certain amendments to the Procedures for Transactions with Related Parties. In particular, the Board, with the approval of the Committee for Transactions with Related Parties, decided to include in the procedures the provisions of art. 11, paragraph 3, of Consob Regulation no. 17721/2010 relating to the SO-CALLED “Whitewash”; to include in its procedures the adoption of the resolutions governing the framework of procedural obligations mentioned in Article 12 of Consob Regulation cited above; to incorporate the wording of art. 6 of the Consob Regulation providing for requirements in matter of public disclosure pursuant to art. 114, paragraph 1, of the Consolidated Law on Finance in transactions with related parties.

It also follows on from the previous press release disseminated on May 14, 2014, in order to integrate the same in the paragraph in which it was announced the approval of a framework resolution concerning the issuance of bank guarantees by the controlling company for an aggregate amount expected in one year to amount to € 4 million.

In compliance with art. 6 of Consob Regulation no. 17221/2010 and the Procedures as modified as a result of the transposition of Article. 6 same, TerniEnergia provides the following additional information to supplement what was communicated on 14 May 2014:

a) the counterparty of the transaction is a related party, i.e. of the parent company controlling in a direct way;

b) the name of the related party transaction counterparty is Italeaf SpA;

c) the operation was assessed by the Board of Directors as an operation of lesser significance in accordance with Article 5 of the procedure – which refers to Annex 3 of Regulation Consob 17721/2010 – and therefore, in view of this status, the company has not undertaken the publication of an information document;

d) the transaction was explained in advance to the directors by sending the appropriate documentation, the Related Parties Committee gave a favorable opinion on the company’s interest in its completion and, subsequently, the Board of Directors approved the transaction under the terms described; in particular, the company has not availed itself of the cases of exclusion provided for in the applicable procedures;

e) a contrary opinion from the part of the independent directors was not expressed and the transaction was unanimously approved by all the directors.