An agreement that will permit carrying out investments with significant positive effects on the territory, on the energy production from renewable source side as well as on the employment and industrial and production development side.

This is the objective of the agreement that was signed today by Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto, Mediocredito Italiano – all banks belonging to Intesa Sanpaolo Group – and TerniEnergia, a company running in Umbria, listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana since 2008, operating in the renewable energy sector and particularly active in the photovoltaic field as supplier of photovoltaic plants on behalf of third parties (system integrator) through a “turn-key” offer and as constructor of plants on its own account and on account of joint ventures companies for power generation.

By reason of the agreement above Intesa Sanpaolo Group, through Mediocredito Italiano, lends Euro 6,000,000 for supporting TerniEnergia’s industrial plans aimed at increasing the construction of plants in the second half-year of 2010, thus exploiting the opportunity to use incentives set forth by the “Energy Account” elapsing on December 31, 2010. Furthermore, by virtue of such a loan agreement, the Company from Umbria shall boost the power generation activity through the incorporation of new joint venture companies to be founded with national and international leading players or through the construction on its own account of industrial sized plants still connected to the grid and fully running.

The agreement signed today, thanks to the presence of Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto that is a traditional bank of reference for the territory, and thanks to the economic and specific resources rendered available by Mediocredito Italiano, is an actual example of the attention and commitment that the local banks of Intesa Sanpaolo Group are able to provide for the territory, thus supporting strong investments for the local economy development.

A team work that is an evidence of the Group activity carried out in the territory: Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto, which has relationships with the local productive enterprises and emphasizes the best local ones; the Area Centro, which coordinates the local banks and the Regional Direction of Tuscany and Umbria of Intesa Sanpaolo; Mediocredito Italiano, which through a professional office and a specific desk dedicated to renewable energy investments, strengthen the business skills of each single enterprise, of the production system and the industrial districts. A strong interaction that allowed to achieve the closing of this transaction in a very short time, approximately one month.

TerniEnergia shall manage all the system integrator activity steps for energy production, including the site identification, the commercial phase, the project development and the construction of the plant, up to its setting up, putting into operation, remote controlling and maintenance. In addition, the Company wishes to boost its power generation activity by way of availing of the BOT scheme (build, operate and transfer).