Approved the Merger by Incorporation in TerniEnergia of the wholly owned company TerniEnergia Gas & Power SpA
The proposed merger was approved by the Board of TerniEnergia and by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of TerniEnergia Gas & Power The strategic target of the transaction is to promote the development of the energy efficiency business The extraordinary Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, [...]
Strengthened leadership in Africa. Acquired new contract for 34 MW PV EPC in Zambia
TerniEnergia, smart energy company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste and energy management, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of Italeaf Group, within the internationalization process of the PV EPC business, has been acquired a [...]
Acquisizioni e fusioni nel settore dell’Efficienza Energetica. Aspetti strategici e tecnici
TerniEnergia sarà tra i protagonisti del seminario "Acquisizioni e fusioni nel settore dell’Efficienza Energetica. Aspetti strategici e tecnici" in programma il prossimo 28 giugno 2016, orario 9.00-16.00, a Milano, Ambrosianeum - Sala Lazzati, Via delle Ore 3. Sito dell'evento In base ai risultati degli studi del Centro Studi [...]
CSR: TerniEnergia sostiene il Lamberts Bay Tennis Table Club in Sudafrica
In Sudafrica, nell'ambito del progetto Paleisheuwel, TerniEnergia ha sviluppato anche un'intensa attività di corporate social responsibility. Tra le iniziative il sostegno al Lamberts Bay Tennis Table Club. Nei lavori dei due cantieri "giant" di Paleisheuwel e Tom Burke, per la realizzazione di impianti fotovoltaici di [...]
Connected to the grid the “giant” PV plant of Tom Burke (South Africa)
The south african subsidiary TerniEnergia Projects PTY Ltd has completed the construction of the plant from 66 MWp in advance on the timetable Provided a four-year renewable contract for operation and maintenance Resignation of an effective member of the Board of Auditors TerniEnergia, smart [...]
Signed with Saccecav an agreement for the construction of two water treatment plants in Umbria
Transaction countervalue of approximately Euro 6 million, foreseen in the TerniEnergia investment plan The works will allow the expansion of the Nera Montoro (TR) groundwater remediation plant and the construction of a new treatment plant dedicated to the treatment of special liquid waste business Intervention [...]
Acquired order worth of USD 19.2 million in Egypt. Signed energy saving contract with leading cement player
TerniEnergia, smart energy company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste and energy management, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of Italeaf Group, within the internationalization process of the PV EPC business, has been acquired a [...]
The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia approved the interim report as at 31 March 2016; growth in the EBITDA margin, decreases the NFP
The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, smart energy company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste and energy management, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of Italeaf Group, approved today the interim financial report as at [...]
Calendar Update of Corporate Events 2016
Pursuant to art. 2.6.2 of the Rules of Borsa Italian SpA, TerniEnergia announced that, in addition to what is stated in the Calendar of Corporate Events 2016 released last February 5, on May 13, 2016 is convened a Board of Directors Meeting to approve the [...]