About Federico Zacaglioni

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So far Federico Zacaglioni has created 1712 blog entries.


By |2017-09-08T16:16:44+02:0022.10.14|Comunicati Stampa|

Comunicazione di variazione del capitale sociale Terni22/10/2014 TerniEnergiaS.p.A.comunicalanuovacomposizionedelcapitalesociale(interamentesottoscrittoeversato)aseguitodellasottoscrizione din.6.413.703 diazioniordinarie, per un controvalore complessivo pariadEuro14.494.968,78,nell’ambitodell’aumentodicapitalesociale,conesclusionedeldirittodiopzione,deliberatodall’AssembleadegliAzionistiinsedeStraordinariaindata13 ottobre2014, da realizzarsi mediante emissione di massimo n. 6.637.168 azioni ordinarie TerniEnergia, da sottoscrivere mediante conferimento in natura rappresentato da azioni della società Free Energia S.p.A., con conseguente esclusione del [...]

Registered with the Companies Register the resolution to the capital increase from the acquisition of Free Energia SpA approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting dated October 13, 2014

By |2014-10-21T14:51:09+02:0021.10.14|Uncategorized|

TERNIENERGIA: registered with the Companies Register the resolution to the capital increase from the acquisition of Free Energia  SpA approved by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting dated October 13, 2014 Subscribed to 96.63% the divisible share capital increase of TerniEnergia reserved to Free Energia S.p.A.’ shareholders, [...]

Launched share buy-back programme

By |2014-10-17T06:30:29+02:0017.10.14|Uncategorized|

Pursuant to art. 144-bis, clause 3, Consob Regulation 11971/1999 (“Issuers’ Regulation”), TerniEnergia S.p.A. a company active in the renewable energy sectors, energy efficiency and waste management, listed on Star segment of Borsa Italiana, has announced the launch of a share buy-back programme for a total [...]

Calendar Update of Corporate Events 2014

By |2014-10-14T13:01:42+02:0014.10.14|Uncategorized|

Pursuant to art. 2.6.2 of the Rules of Borsa Italian SpA, TerniEnergia announced that, in addition to what is stated in the Calendar of Corporate Events 2014 released last February 6, the Company will participate on October 31, 2014, to "Smart to restart Industry", a [...]

Intervista del presidente e Ad Stefano Neri a Radiocor Sole 24 Ore: “Entro l’anno nuovo piano, più ricavi e giù debito”

By |2018-02-24T12:15:55+01:0013.10.14|Vecchie News|

Trasformazione in smart energy company indipendente di Alessandra Capozzi (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) Narni (Terni) , 13 ott - TerniEnergia avrà entro l'anno un nuovo piano industriale che prevede la sua trasformazione strategica in una "smart energy company indipendente" e, dal lato finanziario, una crescita [...]

The Shareholders’ Meeting approves the capital increase with exclusion of the option rights for the purpose of the acquisition of Free Energia S.p.A.

By |2014-10-13T12:34:43+02:0013.10.14|Uncategorized|

Launch of the first Italian independent "smart energy company" active in the field of renewable energy, efficiency, energy services and waste management. Green light for the plan for the purchase of own shares ( buy-back)   The Shareholders' Meeting approves the proposal of a capital [...]