TerniEnergia, a company operating in the renewable energy sector and listed on MTA Market of Borsa Italiana, during the fourth quarter of 2010 started the construction of new industrial-sized photovoltaic plants for a total power of 32 MWp.

Notably 25 MWp shall be built within the end of 2010, 5 MWp of which are for equally owned joint venture companies, while the remaining MWp are performed on behalf of third parties.

The new plants are placed in the following regions: Piemonte, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Marche, Lazio, Abruzzo, Puglia, Sardegna.

The Chairman and Managing Director, Prof. Stefano Neri, commented as follows:

“The growth of the industrial activity at the end of the year and at the beginning of 2011 is becoming more and more significant. The creation of value for the shareholders is unquestionable and it is always clearer in consideration of the actual production increase. The proceeds obtained from the share capital increase are adequate for supporting the vibrant on-going growth. We did the right thing stopping the share capital increase, in order to satisfy the float requirement for accessing to STAR segment of Borsa Italiana”.