The Group’s digital company Softeco enforces its partnership with ATM in the Radiobus on-call transport service

By |2019-07-03T10:25:17+02:003.07.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that ATM (Azienda trasporti milanese) has integrated some important features of the Personalbus technological platform developed by the Group's digital company, Softeco Sismat, into [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 31 Maggio 2019

By |2019-06-28T23:04:37+02:0028.06.19|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, entro [...]

Publication of the notice of call of the Noteholders’ Meeting and of the Report illustrating the items on the agenda

By |2019-06-28T00:15:52+02:0028.06.19|Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the notice of call of the Noteholders' Meeting [...]

Green light from the BoD on the update of the 2018-2022 relaunch and recovery plan and the related financial maneuver

By |2019-06-27T16:17:51+02:0027.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

Confirmed the asset disposal measures and the merger by way incorporation of Softeco into TerniEnergia to complete the industrial turnaround process; the updated financial maneuver for the rescheduling of the financial indebtedness; As a consequence of the measures provided under the Plan the group’s [...]

Trade union agreements signed for the management of redundancies in the EPC photovoltaic sector

By |2019-06-19T18:52:04+02:0019.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that today has been signed the agreements with the national and local secretariats of the trade unions Filctem Cgil and Flaei Cisl and with [...]

The Group’s digital company Softeco signs a strategic alliance in the energy efficiency sector in Sicily with Consorzio Ecodomus

By |2019-06-18T13:20:44+02:0018.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the digital company Softeco Sismat signed today a partnership agreement with “Consorzio Ecodomus: Sustainable construction, energy saving and technologies powered by renewable sources”, [...]

The Group’s digital company Softeco obtains contract from EU Commission for air, marine and rail transport safety system

By |2019-06-13T07:04:27+02:0013.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the digital company Softeco Sismat has obtained from the European Commission, through the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of Ispra, the renewal of [...]

Transferred energy efficiency project, debt reduction of around Euro 0.5 million

By |2019-06-11T07:31:05+02:0011.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that it has transferred to a leading national consortium, active in the construction, maintenance and management of real estate and industrial plants, an [...]

Signed a preliminary contract with NextPower II Alpha for the sale of 50% of the shares of a JV owner of two photovoltaic plants for 1.9 MW

By |2019-06-07T07:40:08+02:007.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

Consideration for the transaction of approximately Euro 1.3 million The JV NextPower II Prima Srl is the owner of two PV plants in Puglia of power respectively equal to about 0.9 and 1 MW; the transaction involves the assumption by the purchasers of financial [...]

Signed the contracts for the sale of 22 photovoltaic plants with Mareccio Energia

By |2019-06-06T07:53:06+02:006.06.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, following the press release issued on 16 May 2019 (to which reference should be made), announces that it has signed all the contracts relating [...]