Gil Capital Ltd renounces the acquisition of the EPC and O&M photovoltaic business units

By |2018-06-27T16:09:38+02:0027.06.18|Old News, Press Release|

With regard to the press release issued on May 25, 2018, relating to the signing of a non-binding "memorandum of understanding" finalized to the sale of the business branch "On site Engineering and Operations" (EPC and photovoltaic O&M) from TerniEnergia to GIL Capital Ltd, TerniEnergia [...]

Shareholders’ meeting approved 2017 financial statements; appointment of Paolo Piccini as independent director

By |2018-06-14T14:37:45+02:0014.06.18|Old News, Press Release|

Approval of the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 Approval of the First Section of the Compensation Report pursuant to Article 123-ter of the Uniform Financial Code Appointment of two co-opted directors: Paolo Allegretti and Stefania Bertolini Appointment of a new independent [...]

Integrazione su richiesta Consob ai sensi dell’art. 114, comma 5, del D.Lgs. n. 58/98 (“TUF”)

By |2018-06-13T23:00:14+02:0013.06.18|Comunicati Stampa|

TerniEnergia, società quotata sul mercato telematico azionario (MTA) di Borsa Italiana, comunica che, in data odierna, su richiesta di Consob, sono state pubblicate sul sito internet della società nella sezione “Investor Relations / Assemblee degli azionisti” alcune integrazioni della documentazione pre-assembleare, che si allegano [...]

Resignation of the vice-president Giulio Gallazzi

By |2018-06-11T18:51:08+02:0011.06.18|Press Release|

The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and part of the Italeaf Group, met today, took note of the resignation with immediate effect of the board member and vice-president of the Company, Mr. Giulio Gallazzi. The decision was [...]

Softeco Sismat leads the Virtus project for a Virtual Power Plant prototype

By |2018-06-05T07:02:55+02:005.06.18|Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company, in cluster with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications and Marine Engineering (DITEN) and with the IEES (Intelligent Electrical Energy System) laboratory of the University of Genoa, the University of Bologna and Yanmar R&D Europe Srl, obtained a loan from [...]

Disposal of the EPC and O&M photovoltaic line of business, signed a MoU with GIL Capital Ltd.

By |2018-05-25T16:46:16+02:0025.05.18|Old News, Press Release|

Planned the establishment of the newco "TerniEnergia Progetti" to ensure the business continuity and the safeguard of the employment levels Consideration for the transaction of Euro 2 million, closing scheduled for June 30, 2018   TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA of Borsa Italiana and [...]

Softeco Sismat participates in the “PickUp” project for efficient and flexible energy management in urban districts

By |2018-05-22T07:12:15+02:0022.05.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company in a cluster of companies that has obtained a grant of Euro 1 million from the Liguria Region Expected the development of innovative solutions for the energy and environmental management of heterogeneous urban districts, to increase flexibility and autonomy aimed [...]

Softeco Sismat leads the project “GoSmart Genova Smart Mobility 2.0”

By |2018-05-17T07:45:49+02:0017.05.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The Group's digital company at the head of a cluster of companies that has obtained financing from the Liguria Region of Euro 0.9 million Experimentation of innovative solutions, applications and services in the Genoa metropolitan area is expected TerniEnergia, smart company listed on MTA [...]

Softeco Sismat wins contract for innovative smart mobility system at Vicenza

By |2018-05-15T07:37:12+02:0015.05.18|Old News, Press Release|

Signed the contract for the supply of the management and control system for flexible transport managed by SVT Società Vicentina Trasporti The agreement for a total value of approximately Euro 280 thousand provides for the implementation of an innovative integrated platform for planning rides [...]

Estratto dell’avviso di convocazione dell’Assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria degli Azionisti del 14.06.2018

By |2018-05-15T00:33:22+02:0015.05.18|Comunicati Stampa|

I signori Azionisti sono convocati in Assemblea Ordinaria e Straordinaria in prima convocazione il giorno 14 giugno 2018 alle ore 9:00 presso la sede legale della Società in Strada dello Stabilimento 1, Comune di Narni (TR), Frazione Nera Montoro, e, occorrendo, in seconda convocazione il [...]