Signed the investment agreement for the acquisition of Free Energia SpA Creating one of the first Italian independent groups active in the field of renewable energies, efficiency and energy services and waste management

By |2014-08-04T00:28:43+02:004.08.14|Press Release|

The entrance of Free Energia in the TerniEnergia Group will integrate downstream the energy value chain, inserting the new business of trading and innovative energy services Planned the development of the new activities of vegetable oil trading and management of vegetable oil burning power plants [...]

Exercised the call option on 30% of Lucos Alternative Energies, acquired 100% of the ESCO UNI CEI 11352

By |2014-07-02T17:04:42+02:002.07.14|Press Release|

• Planned important synergies in the fast growing energy efficiency and smart energy industry • The transaction price amounted approximately to Euro 1,952 million entirely financed by cash  TerniEnergia SpA, a company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and waste management, which [...]

GREENASM: approvato il bilancio di esercizio 2013. Ricavi per oltre Euro 3 milioni e Utile Netto di Euro 310 mila circa

By |2014-04-28T13:29:47+02:0028.04.14|Comunicati Stampa|

Trattate oltre 29 mila tonnellate di frazione organica dei rifiuti solidi urbani, prodotti oltre 4 milioni di kWh di energia rinnovabile Il biodigestore ha  generato 2,8 milioni metri cubi di biogas con un’efficienza quasi doppia rispetto alle attese 2.800 tonnellate di compost cedute ad attività [...]