Avviati 8 cantieri in Grecia per 23,3 MWp. In fase di conclusione i lavori per la realizzazione di un pirogassificatore a biomasse a Borgosesia (VC). Completati i lavori di bonifica dei terreni dell’area industriale di Nera Montoro (en)

By |2012-11-13T15:09:09+01:0013.11.12|Press Release|

TERNIENERGIA: opened  8 working sites  in Greece of 23,3 MWp.  Last  working phase for the construction of  a Biomass Pyro-Gasification plant in Borgosesia (VC) Completed the reclamation of lands in the industrial area of Nera Montoro The photovoltaic plants will be performed for a primary European utility [...]

Approved the half financial report as at September 30th, 2012. Ebitda Margin 9.3% (+32.8%)

By |2012-10-31T13:41:30+01:0031.10.12|Press Release|

Approved the  half financial report as at September 30th, 2012.  Ebitda Margin 9.3% (+32.8%)   •          Revenue of  Euro 41 million (Euro 153 million  as at September  30th, 2011) •          EBITDA of Euro 3.8 million (Euro 10.7 million as at September 30th, 2011) •          EBIT [...]

Integration to corporate calendar 2012

By |2012-10-30T11:07:43+01:0030.10.12|Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a company active in the renewable energy sector, energy efficiency and waste management, listed on Star segment of Borsa Italiana, pursuant to art. 2.6.2 of the Rules of the Markets organized and managed by the Italian Stock Exchange, in addition to what was announced in [...]