Dal workshop annuale di T.E.R.N.I. Research emerge la necessità di una piattaforma di aggregazione e internazionalizzazione per l’industria verde italiana

By |2017-09-08T16:15:57+02:0012.10.12|Comunicati Stampa|

Crescita dimensionale, export di know how ed expertise italiane all’estero e focus sul recupero delle risorse idriche a livello globale i megatrend del settore da trasformare in opportunità secondo il presidente del Gruppo, Stefano Neri Presentata Italeaf, “startupper company” con Euro 15 milioni di capitale [...]

The Council of State rejected the appeal of the Superintendence against the green light of TAR Umbria to the authorizations for a wind farm of 12 MW

By |2012-09-21T12:09:42+02:0021.09.12|Press Release|

TerniEnergia S.p.A.,  a company active in the renewable energy sector, energy efficiency and waste management, listed on Star segment of Borsa Italiana, announces  that on September 20, 2012  the Council of State , before the courts issued decision no. 593/2012 by which the appeal presented [...]

After the Merger with TerniGreen and in a changed macroeconomic and sectorial scenario, the Group aims to grow through the economic and financial balance, the development of high-margin business and the long-run stability of flows.

By |2012-09-21T12:01:22+02:0021.09.12|Press Release|

After the Merger with TerniGreen and in a changed macroeconomic and sectorial scenario, the Group aims to grow through the economic and financial balance, the development of high-margin business and the long-run stability of flows. 3 phasis of development : after the start-up and the [...]