TerniEnergia, a company operating in the renewable energy sector, listed on MTA Market of Borsa Italiana, clarifies that, with respect to the information contained in the press release that it published on October 4, 2010, in the third quarter 2010 it completed the building of 19 new industrial sized plants, for a total installed power of 19.8 MWp. Notably, 8.6 MWp are for equally owned joint ventures (5.7 MWp of which are for joint venture companies with EDF EN Italia), while the remaining 11.2 MWp have been performed on behalf of third party clients . Therefore for the first six month period of 2010 the total number of plants has increased up to 45, for a total installed capacity amounting to 43.9 MWp, 25.1 MWp of which are for joint venture companies and the remaining is on behalf of third party clients. The total number of plants that were built as at September 30, 2010 has increased up to 173 for an aggregate power of 83.9 MWp, 44.9 MWp of which are for joint venture companies in the context of Power Generation activity.