algoWatt, GreenTech Company listed on the Euronext Milan market of the Italian Stock Exchange, with the assistance of Antonia Rita Augimeri, lawyer, and Francesco Giovanni Sapia, notary public (who took care of the corporate and CCII aspects), announces the filing today of an appeal for the opening of the judicial liquidation of the Company pursuant to Articles 37, 39 and 40 et seq. and 121 et seq. CCII, as per the press release issued on 7 May 2024. It should be noted that this petition concerns the request on its own for the opening of the judicial liquidation of the Company, and was filed together with the company ‘Italeaf S.p.A.’, even though two petitions for the opening of the judicial liquidation are already pending before the Court of Milan against algoWatt and the parent company, filed respectively by Dr. Giovanni La Croce and the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Milan.