Please be informed that since today the following documents have been filed with the Company’s registered office, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and posted on the Internet website the draft financial statement as of 31.12.2009 and the relevant Board of Directors’ Report, Board of Statutory Auditors’ Report, Auditors’ Report, the Annual Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure, the Consolidated Financial Statement as of 31.12.2009 and the relevant Board of Directors’ report, Board of Statutory Auditors’ Report and Auditors’ report as well the Directors’ report on the topics under the Agenda pursuant to art. 3 D. M. 437/98. Shareholders are allowed to obtain a copy of such documents. By way of integration of the notice of call of the shareholders’ meeting that was published on 29.03.2010 on Milano Finanza, according to art. 5 of the by-laws, the share capital of TerniEnergia S.p.A. is Euro 12,410,000, wholly subscribed and paid up, is represented by no. 24,820,000 ordinary shares with no par value. Each ordinary shares incorporates one voting right Pursuant to art. 2357-ter c.c., the voting right is suspended for no. 413.649 own shares. Save for the limits of law, according to art. 10 of the by-laws, shareholders can be represented in the shareholders’ meeting by an attorney, being or not a shareholder, through written proxy also at the end of the intermediary notice. A sample of proxy is available on the website For those who own shares that have not been dematerialized yet please be aware that the voting right can be exercised only after delivery of the shares to an authorized intermediary timely for the relevant introduction into the dematerialized system and the issuance of the notice by the intermediary for the relevant attendance at the shareholders’ meeting pursuant to the law and the by-laws.