TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange’s electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the Group’s digital company, Softeco Sismat, has signed a framework agreement with PlanGreen 2E, a company operating in Italy and Spain with primary clients such as CONAD and Antibioticos de Leon, a subsidiary of the Italian Energy Efficiency Fund, for the implementation of interventions in ESCO (Energy Service Company) mode according to the new business model provided for in the Recovery and Relaunch Plan.

The first intervention provided for under the agreement has already been contracted and provides for a lighting energy-saving project on the production site of a leading Italian cement company. The project involves the replacement of over 3 thousand old generation lighting equipment with high efficiency LED lamps (supplied by Greenled Industry, 100% subsidiary of TerniEnergia). The aim of the intervention, in addition to a better lighting of workplaces, is to generate an annual saving of approximately 69 TOE (Tons of Oil Equivalent). The total value of the project, lasting five years, is around Euro 0.45 million. After the acceptance test, Softeco Sismat will sign a maintenance contract with the client for the planned 5 years.

The intervention, developed thanks to the synergy between Plan Green 2E as ESCO and the TerniEnergia Group, will allow the integration of the parent company’s capacity in the design and implementation of energy efficiency measures with Softeco’s digital skills and technological system integration, in operations that also include plant management capacity.