TERNIENERGIA: in the first quarter 2012  6 photovoltaic plants were completed with a capacity of  23,5 MWp

·         The controlled company Lucos Alternative Energies performed an energy efficiency intervention with an expected energy savings of  242.386 kWh/year (63%)

TerniEnergia,  a company active in the renewable energy sector and listed on Star Segment of Borsa Italiana completed  in the first quarter 2012, the construction of n. 6 new industrial sized  photovoltaic plants with a total  installed capacity of 23.5 MWp
The plants located in Greece  and in the regions: Umbria, Lazio, Calabria e Sicilia, were performed on behalf of third parties and without panel supply.
Therefore, the  total number of PV plants built by TerniEnergia from the beginning of its activity  as at March 31st, 2011  increased to 253  with a total capacity of 216.4 MWp (10.4 MWp of which performed in “full equity” and  62.1MWp built in joint venture for Power Generation activity). With reference to 10.4 MWp they were  in “full equity”, 3 MWp were sold to third companies while the remaining  7.4 MWp remain fully available to the company. It is pointed out the increase in average power plant installed (3.83 MWp in the first quarter of 2012 compared to 1.75 MWp in 2011).
Furthermore TerniEnergia announces that, the controlled  company Lucos Alternative Energiescompleted in the first quarter  2012  a lighting energy efficiency intervention in the industrial site of Nuova TIC S.r.l., subsidiary of T.E.R.N.I. Research Group, located in  Nera Montoro (TR). The project,  undertaken with the formula of financing through third parties (FTT) with supply of LED lamps, provided  the installation of 401 area light to an expected annual  reduction in consumption  from 385,005 kWh to approximately 142,619 kWh (63%).

Stefano Neri, Chairman and Managing Director of TerniEnergia,  commented as follows:
We are deeply satisfied with the industrial  results achieved in the first quarter of 2012, which are particularly significant not only in quantitative terms by the number of plants built and their installed capacity, but also in terms of quality of interventions. For the first time, in fact, the results of industrial strategic decision to strengthen the EPC PV business of TerniEnergia abroad are visible, with about 10 MWp produced in Greece. In addition,of particular note, the completion by the controlled Lucos of an intervention of industrial lighting energy efficiency for the pre-existing lighting points  inside  a production area. These results therefore represent a tangible and positive consequence of the evolution of the strategic positioning of the Group, which today illustrate to  investors and to the financial community at the STAR Conference 2012 of Borsa Italiana. TerniEnergia intends to strengthen its unique position in the industrial sector, enhancing the revenues from the sale of solar energy produced by an owned  and in joint venture plant, developing its activities in EPC PV abroad, establishing itself in new business energy efficiency  and starting an intense international scouting in the hydropower sector. Thanks to this  diversification, TerniEnergia is configured, then, as the only national player active in the three segments of the “Climate Package” of the European Union with 216.4 MWp of renewable energy produced, 200 million kWh saved and a reduction in emissions into the atmosphere for more than 2.4 million CO2”.