As digitalization brings smartness to cities, social innovation passes also through the implementation of novel services that improve the way infrastructures and public services are used, in different sectors: actually, there is no Smart City without Smart Mobility.
A smart management of integrated mobility processes and of the associated information is a key factor for the expansion and the improvement of services for society.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provide innovative services to enable different transportation modes, allowing operators, institutions and citizens to be better informed and make a more sustainable and smarter use of transport networks, facilities and assets.
Thanks to systematic participation in research and innovation projects, we have developed a remarkable experience in this area: pilot projects in several European cities allowed us to develop, test and validate technological solutions, innovative applications and mobility services, and to transform prototypes into platforms and products with a successful market return.




Auto Adaptive Multimedia Environment Based on Intelligent Agents AMEBICA aimed at investigating the conceptual and technological foundation for Auto-Adaptive Multimedia Interfaces (AAMI) and testing its [...]