Accessibility Assessment Simulation Environment
for New Applications Design and Development

The ACCESSIBLE project was established to contribute to better accessibility for all citizens, to increase the use of standards, and to develop an assessment simulation environment (including a suite of accessibility analysing tools as well as developer-aid tools) to assess efficiently, easily and rapidly the accessibility and viability of software applications for all user groups, whether they access them over the Internet, via their desktop or mobile device.
ACCESSIBLE aims at contributing for a better accessibility of ICT applications and systems for all citizens. This will be done by exploiting the technologies behind the recent expansion of accessibility tools, by increasing the use of standards, and by developing an assessment simulation environment for supporting efficiently the production of accessible software applications.
ACCESSIBLE aims at contributing for a better accessibility of ICT applications and systems for all citizens. This will be done by exploiting the technologies behind the recent expansion of accessibility tools, by increasing the use of standards, and by developing an assessment simulation environment for supporting efficiently the production of accessible software applications.
The assessment simulation environment should enable large organizations, SMEs or single developers or designers to produce accessible software products of superior quality.
There will be four pilots in which the system will be demonstrated. They will address the assessment of: a) Mobile applications (including JavaFX Scripts), b) Web applications, c) Web services (mainly focusing on infomobility services), and d) description languages (e.g. UML, SDL, etc.).
Main projects objectives are:
- To research and develop Assessment and Simulation modules based on different methodological tools and taking into account W3C standards and other main standardization works.
- To research and develop for the first time reliable and harmonized methodological approaches and tools for large-scale assessment accessibility of applications and services.
- To implement a developer/designer-aid framework so that appropriate accessibility standards and methodologies are included within software development processes.
- To report the accessibility evaluation results via an EARL based reporting module to better support designers, developers and business stakeholders etc.
- To construct pilots to fully demonstrate and evaluate the proposed system.
A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.
- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Informatics and Telematics Institute and Hellenic Institute of Transport (COORDINATOR) (GR)
- Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute of Computer Science (GR)
- Oracle / Sun Microsystems (CZ)
- University of Stuttgart, Institute for Human Factors and Technology Management (DE)
- Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
- algoWatt SpA (IT)
- Netscouts gGmbH (DE)
- Marie Curie Association (BG)
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas / Informatics and Telematics Institute and Hellenic Institute of Transport (GR)
36 months