
Advanced Cooperative Infomobility System


The term “infomobility” indicates the set of information characterizing traffic networks, including the methodologies and the strategies aimed at controlling and optimally managing traffic flows. The current scenario is characterized by several initiatives and research activities, which are nevertheless generally focused at solving specific application problems (e.g. fleet management, passenger care, intermodal transport, local traffic control, traffic safety etc.): information, methodologies and strategies in these applications are therefore considered in a very selective and dedicated way.


ACIS in based on the preliminary analysis of two main transport sectors – urban road network and urban train network –, carried out to pinpoint common key requirements. The main common point highlighted is the need to generally promote the evolution of infomobility architectures towards a higher and more complex cooperation level, by means of not only infrastructure-infrastructure (I2I) and vehicle-infrastructure (V2I) interactions but also of vehicle-vehicle (V2V) interactions. The development of new infomobility solutions based on the adoption of innovative cooperative systematic models and of an extensive use of V2V interactions is in fact nowadays considered a priority at European level and world-wide. Such a development allows to depict new interesting scenarios and new perspectives characterized by a general improvement of safety, reliability, and efficiency performances in mobility management.

To this end, a preliminary analysis of two main transport sectors – urban road network and urban train network – has been carried out to pinpoint common key requirements. The main common point highlighted is the need to generally promote the evolution of infomobility architectures towards a higher and more complex cooperation level, by means of not only infrastructure-infrastructure (I2I) and vehicle-infrastructure (V2I) interactions but also of vehicle-vehicle (V2V) interactions.

The development of new infomobility solutions based on the adoption of innovative cooperative systematic models and of an extensive use of V2V interactions is in fact nowadays considered a priority at European level and world-wide. Such a development allows to depict new interesting scenarios and new perspectives characterized by a general improvement of safety, reliability, and efficiency performances in mobility management.

Today V2V cooperation can be reasonably proposed thanks to the constant technical evolution in mobile communication and to the growing support of geo-localization technologies: all these factors play a key role and allow to conceive new cooperation models.


A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.

  • Selex Communications (IT)
  • Alcatel (IT)
  • Ansaldo Segnalamento Ferroviario (IT)
  • Bombardier Transportation (IT)
  • Elsag Datamat (IT)
  • algoWatt SpA (IT)
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IMATI, ISSIA) (IT)
  • Aitek (IT)
  • Fos (IT)
  • Iris (IT)
  • TechnoAware (IT)
  • Università di Genova (DIBE, DIMSET, DISI, DIST) (IT)



Selex Communications S.p.A. (IT)


Area Tematica: Infomobilità


24 months