
eInk Tools for the Smart City


The DIECI system is meant to design a technological management solution to enable the
real-time interaction and therefore is proposed as a system that implements smart policies for smart mobility control.


The baseline scenario of the DIECI project is smart mobility in urban areas.

Basic components for smart mobility are:

    • The implementation of policies for the regulation of both passenger and freight mobility.
    • The availability of ICT which supports the implementation of regulatory policies allowing temporally and spatially flexible applications in the area (e.g. a policy of “pollution charge” should vary in time and space according to the levels of pollution present and / or planned according to the weather conditions and the mobility demand).

Once integrated, the previous two components give the opportunity to implement “intelligent policies for the regulation of mobility” through constant interaction between different elements involved, namely:

  • the controller/regulator subject (such as a municipality);
  • (public or private) transportation vehicles;
  • users/customers (private citizen, carrier, dealer, etc.);
  • the infrastructure (in the broadest sense: roads, parking areas, traffic areas, ZSL, pedestrian, etc.).

The DIECI system is meant to design a technological management solution to enable the real-time interaction and therefore is proposed as a system that implements smart policies for smart mobility control.


A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.

  • Aitek Spa
  • algoWatt SpA
  • Gruppo Sigla Srl
  • Selesta Ingegneria SpA
  • Università di Genova



Aitek SpA


PAR FAS 2007-2013 Progetto 4 Programma triennale per la ricerca e l’innovazione «Progetti integrati di alta tecnologia” pos. 21 Prot 1694 del 13 maggio 2013 «Polo di innovazione Transit»


24 months