Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications

The Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications (K-Wf Grid) aimed at enabling the knowledge-based support of workflow construction and execution in a Grid computing environment.
In order to achieve these objectives the envisaged system was designed to:
- semi-automatically compose a workflow of Grid services;
- execute the composed workflow application in a Grid computing environment;
- monitor the performance of the Grid infrastructure and the Grid applications;
- analyse the resulting monitoring information;
- capture the knowledge that is contained in the information by means of intelligent agents;
- reuse the knowledge gathered to efficiently construct workflows for new Grid applications.
The K-Wf Grid project addressed the need for a better infrastructure for the future Grid environment.The Grid as a vast space of partially cooperating and partially-competing services will be a very dynamic and complex environment: in order to address the complexity in using and controlling the next generation Grid, the Consortium adopted the approaches envisioned by the Semantic Web and the Grid communities in a novel, powerful and flexible infrastructure conceived to assist users in composing powerful Grid workflows by means of a rule-based expert system.
The Grid environment managed by the K-Wf Grid framework was continuously monitored and evaluated: the knowledge about the Grid itself was mined and reused in the process of workflow construction, service selection and Grid behaviour prediction.
The K-Wf Grid system prototype provides end-users – both Grid application developers and service customers – with domain-independent, flexible and customisable components, making complex Grid usage and maintenance easy and powerful.
The Consortium demonstrated K-Wf Grid project results in three different application domains regarding scientific simulations and business applications.
The K-Wf Grid project also contributed to strengthen SME and promote progress by aggregating SME contributions with those of research organizations and global players. Two industrial SME – Softeco and LogicDIS – were involved in the project, enabling a strong focus on SME research and application, including transferability of results to real-world practice and strengthening of the European SME landscape.
A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.
- Fraunhofer institut rechnerarchitektur und softwaretechnik (DE)
- Ustav Informatiky, Slovenska Akademia Vied (SK)
- Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe Cyfronet Akademii Gorniczo-hutniczej im. Stanislawa Staszica w Krakowie (PL)
- University of Innsbruck (AT)
- algoWatt SpA (IT)
- Logicdis s.a. (GR)
Fraunhofer Institut Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (DE)
30 months