Assistente portatile per reti di operatori interagenti

PASSION aimed at enhancing the mobility and information access capabilities of maintenance teams when operating in large, geographically distributed systems. Examples of such systems include large transportation networks like energy, telecommunication, railway or highway; sets of equipments located in various distant places like ships, cars, bus fleets or even photocopiers.
PASSION will develop and validate a complete remote maintenance management system based on a portable digital assistant (PDA) which will provide remote access to interactive multimedia and maintenance support services, remotely located in a Central Operation Base (COB). The portable device will be used by the operators to support them during different kinds of interventions (maintenance, collecting of data, planning, reporting, etc.) and aims at enhancing the way they perform their daily jobs.
PASSION will combine existing technologies and innovative developments. The resulting PASSION system will allow: the on-the-field remote consultation/update of multimedia data through the integration of ‘nomadic’ appliances, wireless communication means, database and multimedia techniques, the supplying of remote guidance and location-based data retrieval by using global positioning systems technology and geographical information systems.
A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.
- ALCATEL – CIT, Corporate research Centre (FR)
- CRS4 (IT)
- Matla Terminals (ES)
- RINA, Registro Italiano Navale (IT)
- Robotiker (ES)
- HFRG University College Cork (IE)
- algoWatt SpA (IT)
ALCATEL – CIT, Corporate Research Centre (FR)
ESPRIT Programme, DG III
30 months