PORT Safety, Logistics, InterModality
slimPORT is a modular system providing to logistic operators and transport node managers with a set of technological components which allow to manage each freight and person transport phase, improving efficiency, supporting environmental preservation, developing intermodality and generally reducing waiting and transit time preserving original investments. This system integrates ICT solutions, infrastructures and sensors.
The slimPORT development programme implements an innovative port project integrating modular solutions aimed at making last sea mile and first land mile operative processes more efficient, allowing:
- to reduce freight and passengers transit and waiting time in transport nodes;
- to speed up freight upload, download and transfer time;
- to cooperate with info-telematic process management systems operative in the area;
- to improve safety measures in port operations while preserving business logic;
- to implement logistic chain intermodality
- to reduce transport congestion and support sustainable mobility.
The port is the main join point between sea transport (last sea mile) and land transport (first land mile) and is thus tightly connected with other logistic non-maritime nodes such as interports, logistic platforms, inland dry port areas etc.: the slimPORT project, in order to provide real benefits and positively impact on transport economical systems, includes the participation of port authorities and other transport node managers as validators.
slimPORT is a modular system providing a logistic operator or a transport node manager with a set of technological components which, integrating ICT solutions, infrastructures and sensors, allow to manage each freight and person transport phase, improving efficiency, supporting environmental preservation, developing intermodality and generally reducing waiting and transit time preserving original investments.
A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.
- Vitrociset (IT)
- Eurotech (IT)
- Consorzio per l’area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste (IT)
- C.I.E.L.I. – Centro Italiano di Eccellenza per la Logistica Integrata (IT)
- Project Automation – Ingegneria dei sistemi (IT)
- Telespazio (IT)
- Ansaldo Segnalamento Ferroviario (IT)
- Gioiatech (IT)
- CNR (IT)
- algoWatt SpA (IT)
- Gilardoni (IT)
- Ente per le Nuove tecnologie (IT)
- T&T (IT)
- Network Integration & Solution (IT)
- I.Log (IT)
- C.A.E.N. (IT)
- Gruppo SIGLA. (IT)
- Teorema Engineering (IT)
- Bombardier Transportation Italy (IT)
- FOS (IT)
- Interporto di Bologna (IT)
- Consorzio Milano Ricerche (IT)
- Cap (IT)
- Aitek (IT)
- OTO Melara (IT)
- Exprivia (IT)
- SELEX Communication (IT)
- BLG Automobile Logistics Italia (IT)
- Sielco (IT)
- Orangee (IT)
- Sincon (IT)
- TSF (IT)
Elsag Datamat (IT)
Industry 2015 – Sustainable Mobility
B1 Theme “Gestione del trasferimento intermodale di persone e/o merci nei nodi di scambio tra l’ultimo miglio marino e il primo miglio terrestre, integrata con sistemi di sicurezza del porto, delle imbarcazioni, delle strutture e dei mezzi di movimentazione di persone e/o merci”
36 months