Portfolio a photovoltaic plant for a total power of 1MWp

TerniEnergia, a company operating in the renewable energy sector, listed on the Star segment of Borsa Italiana, executed the purchase of Società Agricola Fotosolara Oristano S.r.l.. Such a purchase is aimed at developing a new industrial sized photovoltaic plant on greenhouses in Sardinia, for a total installed power of approximately 1 MWp, ready to be in the pipeline and provided with Autorizzazione Unica. The total cost of the transaction was Euro 0.25 million, totally financed by cash, Euro 84.000 of which were paid in advance. The balance shall be paid into two instalments for an equal amount on April and May 2011. As at December 31st, 2010 the total number of plants that were completed by TerniEnergia is 204 for an aggregate capacity of 117,2 MWp, 49.3 MWp of which are for joint venture companies and for their Power Generation activity.