TerniEnergia, company operating in the field of renewable energy sources and main ‘integrator system’ in Italy in the photovoltaic sector, at the end of July listed on the Espandi Market of the Borsa Italiana Spa, has sealed an agreement with Solsonica S.p.A., the EEMS Group company, avant-garde in Italian photovoltaic technology thanks to the production of cells and modules and to the supply of integrated solutions.
The agreement regards the supply of photovoltaic modules up to a maximum of 29 MW, in the three-year period 2009-2011.
“This contract”, underlines Stefano Neri, the President of TerniEnergia, “substantially contributes in guaranteeing the necessary procurement for the realization of TerniEnergia expansion programmes over the following three years”.
“The cooperation with Solsonica”, continues Stefano Neri, “will enable a worthwhile exchange of experiences between two industrial entities which are among the leaders in the Italian photovoltaic sector”.

