TerniEnergia obtains sole authorizationfor the largest wind farm in the Umbria Region

The wind farm will have 6 wind generators for a total power of up to 18 MW
In 2008 the company made 41 photovoltaic plants for a total power of 11 MW and aims at installing a further 22 MW in 2009

Terni, 26 January 2009 – The Municipality of Stroncone (Terni) has issued the Sole Authorization to make the largest wind farm in the Umbria region to TerniEnergia, company active in the field of renewable energy, among the main integrator systems in Italy in the photovoltaic sector and listed on the Expandi Market of Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange).

The plant, that will see the installation of 6 wind generators for a maximum total power of 18 megawatt, will be set up at “Colle Ventatoio” a hamlet of Vasciano in the municipality of Stroncone.

The company may therefore commence work for the building of its first wind farm, inaugurating its initiative in this sector. Works are scheduled to  start-up by summertime.

“Authorization to build the Colle Ventatoio plant represents the first step in our growth in the wind energy sector”, said Stefano Neri, chairman of TerniEnergia, and added: “In our Country the production of wind energy represents a potentiality which is still extremely interesting and TerniEnergia, with its wide experience in photovoltaics, means to grasp this opportunity and develop its activity also in this field, as foreseen in the industrial plan”.