• Umberto Paparelli appointed as Vice President
  • Sergio Agosta appointed Director in charge of the internal control system and risk management
  • Performed the self-assessment procedure on the composition of the Board of Directors

 The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, smart energy company active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste and energy management, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of Italeaf Group, met today for the first time after the expansion from 7 to 9 members approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Board of Directors in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code published by Borsa Italiana and following the changes that occurred in the components of the administrative body, made the self-assessment procedure, expressing positive judgment about the adequacy of its size, its composition, the type and variety of skills and experience as a whole, of its operation and and the one of the committees set up within the Company.

The Board of Directors has also verified the existence of the independence requirements in accordance with the Code of Conduct for listed companies and the verification of the requirements of the regulations in force related to its components (in number of 9, 3 of which – Domenico De Marinis, Mario Mauro Molteni and Paolo Ottone Migliavacca – meet the requirements of independence pursuant to art. 148 ter of the TUF and those provided for by the Code of Conduct of Borsa Italiana SpA).

The Board appointed Sergio Agosta as Director in charge of the Internal Control System and Risk Management.

The Board of Directors proceeded to attribute responsibilities and powers to the new executive directors and the appointment of the director Umberto Paparelli to Vice President.

In particular, to the Managing Director Umberto Paparelli (Vice President) was given the responsibility relating to:

• Management and development of the environmental and waste management plants in the industrial area of Nera Montoro (TR), the corporate system of safety and environmental protection related to the business line Cleantech.

To the Managing Director Sergio Agosta was given the responsibility relating to:

• Ordinary administration alongside the CEO Stefano Neri.