A delegation of the Kingdom of Lesotho visited the industrial area of ​​Nera Montoro and the plants for the treatment and recovery of marginal resources, environmental activities and production of renewable energy owned and managed by TerniEnergia in Italy.

The delegation, made up of the Hon. Tseliso Mokhosi (Minister of Energy), His Excellency Mr dr. Joseph Sempe Lejaha (Extraordinary Ambassador in Italy) and their staff, was accompanied during the visit by Mr Paolo Ricci, International Development Delegate of TerniEnergia, and by the Director of the Environmental Area, Stefano Viali.

For TerniEnergia this wasan important opportunity for further development of industrial potential of the African country, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations and enclave within the territory of the Republic of South Africa, where the Company is conducting major industrial operations for the construction of large size photovoltaic plants , as part of its internationalization strategy.

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