TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange’s electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that ATM (Azienda trasporti milanese) has integrated some important features of the Personalbus technological platform developed by the Group’s digital company, Softeco Sismat, into the official App to move in the city of Milan.
Through this supply, Softeco consolidates its partnership with ATM to support the operation of the ATM Radiobus “on-call” service in the Neighbourhood, active since 2010 in 15 districts of the Milanese urban area. Thanks to the developments made as part of the partnership, the service has recently been enhanced by the mobility company through the integration of new booking functions in the App. This new feature, helps to make access to the service even easier, offering those who move around the Radiobus areas a simple and immediate way to book a trip, receive a booking confirmation and monitor the status of their requests.
Leader in the market of solutions for the management of flexible transport and now in use in various cities and regions in Italy and abroad, Softeco’s proprietary platform, Personalbus, offers a modular and adaptable solution that can effectively meet the needs of each operator of a public transport service on demand. Thanks to its integrated optimisation algorithms, the system makes it possible to create dynamic runs and minimum routes to satisfy user requests with personalised, high-quality services, contributing to the reduction of travel and fostering the reduction of traffic and pollution.
Through Personalbus it is possible to manage the entire cycle of on demand public transport. From the coordination of bookings to the programming and optimisation of the travel plan, to the monitoring of the fleet of vehicles, up to the dynamic modification of the trips according to the requests of the users. By means of an onboard terminal, the driver can dynamically receive the plan of the journey to be made, with the detailed sequence of the stops of ascent and descent of the passengers, the route and its times. This plan is updated in real time to cope with new travel requests and to optimise journeys.
Thanks to a completely new travel planning engine, Personalbus is now also able to offer a fully automatic management of travel requests from users. Travel requests generated by Apps or devices on the road (e.g. totems or call columns) are processed by the system in a totally automatic way without the need to use a call centre, guaranteeing the taking charge of the request, the programming and proposition of the trip to the user, the management of the confirmation and the sending of the vehicle to the requested stop.