• Amended the system of governance with the transition from the one-tier system to the traditional one
• Reinstated the corporate bodies with the appointment of the Board of Directors and the Board of Auditors

The Shareholders’ Meeting of Free Energia SpA, a company active in the field of energy management and part of TerniEnergia Group, listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, met in extraordinary session under the chairmanship of Mr. Umberto Paparelli.
The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting resolved to amend the Bylaws, following the transition from the one-tier governance system to the traditional system.
The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Free Energia has reconstituted the corporate bodies, appointing a new board of directors in the persons of Mr. Umberto Paparelli, Chairman, Mr Pierluigi Cernieri and Mr Salvatore Pelleriti as directors, and constituting the board of auditors through the appointments of Mr Emiliano Barcaroli, Mr Vittorio Pellegrini and Mr Roberto Raminelli as auditors and Mr Marco Bartolocci and Mr Simone Piastrellla as alternate members.