Nowadays, energy needs digitalization pretty much as digitalization needs energy: IT makes energy systems more intelligent, efficient and resilient, whereas energy makes IT infrastructure able to sustain exploding trends – e.g. an internet traffic tripling every five years.
Digitalization is also forcing dynamicity into energy systems that were built a long time ago with a different, static, unidirectional view of the whole infrastructure. Modern approaches to environmental sustainability, as well as political strategies to reduce long-term climate change, require a totally different approach for an integrated management of energy systems, embracing the whole chain from production to transmission and distribution up to demand response and energy efficiency.
Research on different aspects of the energy sector allow us to bring a spark of innovation into long-standing industrial approach, to face the technical and operational challenges that this digital energy revolution implies.
The SIESTA project, with a total duration of 36 months and an investment of around EUR 5 million (EC funding of around EUR 5 million), [...]
INNOVACER INNOVACER: "Process and organisational innovation to support the life cycle of Energy Communities", financed under the ERDF LIGURIA 2021-2027 R.P. programme. algoWatt S.p.A., [...]
THUMBS UP The THUMBS UP project “Thermal energy storage solUtions to optimally Manage BuildingS and Unlock their grid balancing and flexibility Potential”, financed with [...]
FlexCHESS The FlexCHESS project – Flexibility services based on Connected and interoperable Hybrid Energy Storage System – funded by the Horizon Europe programme, [...]
The MASTERPIECE project (Multidisciplinary Approaches and Software Technologies for Engagement, Recruitment and Participation in Innovative Energy Communities in Europe) is funded under the programme [...]
Energy Router For Sustainable Manufacturing Systems The ER4SMUS project The ER4SMUS project intends to develop an ICT platform for the optimized [...]
Advanced Prognostic Maintenance System for Energy - Diagnostics and Advanced Prognostics for the Resilience of Energy Production Plants from Non-Programmable Renewable Sources [...]
Virtual Power Plant for Interoperable and Smart isLANDS VPP4Islands aims to facilitate the integration of renewable systems, accelerate the transition towards smart and [...]
Restabilise 4.0
Restabilise and Energy: Specialization of Enabling Technologies for Balancing Energy Infrastructures and Systems Restabilise 4.0 operates within the energy sector and in particular the [...]
Enabling Platform for Commercial Services of Aggregate management of resources in the electricity system PASCAL realizes and tests a technological platform to meet [...]