Il Consiglio di Amministrazione di TerniEnergia, smart energy company quotata sul segmento Star di Borsa Italiana e parte del Gruppo Italeaf, ha approvato in data odierna la relazione finanziaria semestrale al 30 giugno 2017.


ricavi, pari a Euro 40,2 milioni (Euro 50,5 milioni al 30/6/2016; -20,4%), evidenziano il contributo in crescita dell’energy management, dei cantieri avviati in Tunisia e in Zambia e i ricavi attribuibili al progetto di riqualificazione ed efficientamento energetico di Copernico Torino.

L’EBITDA si attesta a Euro 6,8 milioni in diminuzione (-28,2%) rispetto al 30 Giugno 2016 (Euro 9,5 milioni), con Ebitda Margin pari al 17% (18,8% al 30/6/2016).

Il Risultato Operativo Netto (EBIT) è pari a Euro -6,2 milioni (Euro 5,9 milioni al 30 Giugno 2016), dopo ammortamenti, accantonamenti e svalutazioni per Euro 13 milioni circa. Le svalutazioni sono attribuibili in parte alla sospensione delle attività di EPC derivante dalle scelte assunte dal precedente management e in parte all’allineamento al valore di impairment di un asset.

Il risultato netto pari a Euro – 6,5 milioni, rispetto a Euro 1,1 milioni al 30 Giugno 2016.

La Posizione Finanziaria Netta è pari a Euro 87,5 milioni (in sensibile riduzione rispetto a Euro 93,9 milioni al 31/12/2016). La Posizione Finanziaria Netta non corrente è pari a Euro 76,6 milioni, mentre la Posizione Finanziaria Netta a breve è pari a Euro 10,9 milioni. Il rapporto PFN/Patrimonio Net Save to si attesta a 1,62x pressoché costante rispetto a 1,63x al 31/12/2016.

Il Patrimonio Netto è pari a Euro 54,1 milioni (Euro 57,5 milioni al 31/12/2016), e tiene conto anche delle azioni proprie detenute in portafoglio, che ammontano a n° 1.012.998 (2,15% del capitale sociale).


Sono state avviate le fasi di progettazione per l’impianto fotovoltaico da 10MW per conto di STEG in Tunisia e da 34 MW in Zambia per conto di primaria utility internazionale. Il numero complessivo di impianti fotovoltaici costruiti da TerniEnergia dall’inizio dell’attività è pari a 274, con una capacità cumulata di circa 425,27 MWp (di cui 12 MWp detenuti al 100% dalla Società e 42 MWp in joint venture, destinati all’attività di power generation). La produzione complessiva di energia degli impianti in full ownership e in Joint Venture per l’attività di power generation è stata pari a circa 34 milioni di kWh.

La business line Energy management ha gestito circa 36.984.102 di Standard metri cubi di gas equivalenti a 404.736 MWh.

La società Softeco Sismat, digital company del Gruppo, ha gestito e/o coordinato 11 progetti di ricerca. Le attività di fornitura di servizi e soluzioni di Softeco hanno visto una significativa espansione di alcune collaborazioni strategiche con ENEL, SIEMENS e LEONARDO nelle reti di distribuzione, con TOSHIBA nel significativo settore dei collegamenti con tecnologia HVDC per Terna.

La business line Energy saving ha realizzato interventi per 1.392 punti luce con un risparmio atteso di 7 milioni di KWh e 1.309 TEP.

Nel settore ambientale sono operativi gli impianti di trattamento e recupero degli pneumatici fuori uso (PFU) di Nera Montoro (PFU trattato pari a 3.223 ton.; granulo e polverino di gomma venduti pari a 2.693 ton.) e impianto di Borgo Val di Taro (PFU trattato pari a 4.141 ton.; granulo e polverino di gomma venduto pari a 2.620 ton), impianto di biodigestione e compostaggio GreenAsm (rifiuto conferito pari a 17.736 ton.; energia immessa in rete 2.217 MWh, compost prodotto pari a 1.653 ton.) e, infine, impianto di depurazione delle acque di falda di Nera Montoro.



On July 20, 2017, TerniEnergia has signed an agreement with Appalti Tecnologie Progettazione Ambienti & Costruzioni Srl (A.T.P) for the transfer of 50% of the shares held by TerniEnergia inPurify Srl, owner of groundwater and liquid waste treatment plants.

The transaction has foreseen a consideration for the transfer of Euro 3,425 million, which will be settled in two tranches: by July 2017 for Euro 1.48 million and by June 30, 2019 for Euro 1.94 million.

No confidence of the Board of directors against the CEO and resignation of Mr. Piero Manzoni

On September 15, 2017, The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, a company listed on the Star segment of Borsa Italiana, approved by a majority the no confidence against the Chief Executive Officer Piero Manzoni, taking note of the resignation of Mr. Piero Manzoni, and contesting in full the reasons put forward by the CEO for his resignation. The Board of Directors does not believe that the conditions are met for the payment of any indemnity in favour of the same.

The Board also reconfirmed the powers already delegated to the directors Mr. Fabrizio Venturi and Ms Laura Bizzarri, as well as to the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Stefano Neri, in order to ensure the stability and continuity of the Company’s governance.

 Integration of the press release issued on 15 September 2017

On September 18, 2017, TerniEnergia announces that with reference to the Press Release issued on Friday 15 September 2017, and concerning the resignation of the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Piero Manzoni – as requested by Consob – TerniEnergia clarifies that the interruption of the fiduciary relationship with the CEO was due to an irremediable difference of view between Mr. Manzoni and the Board of Directors regarding TerniEnergia’s strategic vision, its prospective positioning as well as the Group’s administrative and organizational management.


Following the acquisition of Softeco Sismat and Selesoft and the strategic development programs identified by the management, TerniEnergia will complete the transformation process and will launch a phase of relaunching and reorganizing added-value businesses in the sector of smart services and solutions that allow the efficient use of natural resources, developing and implementing these solutions in the fields of power generation, energy saving and sustainable mobility. These businesses will be added to the evolution of asset management activity for the production of energy from renewable sources, energy efficiency, recovery and transformation of raw materials into profitable resources within the environmental industry.

In particular, in the environmental sector, the group aims to complete the new liquid industrial waste treatment plant in Nera Montoro (TR), which will allow to intercept a substantial demand (58,000 cubic meters per year) in a high technological market segment, with high growth prospects. The repositioning of activities will also enable the development and production of smart technologies for the transmission and distribution of energy (smart grid), the flexible and timely management of production and energy consumption, energy efficiency, management of renewable energy and clean tech (energy islands).

It will be so possible to integrate the activities in renewables, energy efficiency, asset and energy management with systems and innovative solutions with high added value, that allow to introduce new technologies in the industry capable of act as a bridge between the industrial and “physical” business and the digital and “virtual” too.

Among the planned activities and, in part, already underway there are important commissions in Africa (Tunisia and Zambia) and the approach to new high potential growth markets (India) that will be the basis for managing  the transition towards the Group’s new identity as a global “technology enabler”, which will be described in the guidelines of the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan. This will allow the fixed costs to be managed more flexibly and through a more rational allocation of the same, also owing to the withdrawal – decided by the Board – of the plan for the collective redundancy of the staff of the Nera Montoro’s Headquarter.

TerniEnergia has begun a deleveraging process in order to strengthen its balance sheet, with the objective of guaranteeing the financial resources necessary to support development over the next years.


The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia, a company listed on STAR segment, announces that today the Independent Board Member, Laura Rossi, has resigned from her office of administrator for claimed lacked promptness of information, necessary for the informed conduction of its role of Independent Board Member. The Board of Directors has taking note of the resignation, not sharing the reasons given by Ms Rossi, pointing out, on the contrary, how  the corporate structure reacted promptly to recent events and provided adequate and consistent information, also considering the need for a ‘timely action.


The report of the independent auditors on the condensed half-yearly financial statements, due to the timing with which the related documentation has been made available to them – as a result of the no confidence vote and resignation of the Chief Executive Officer as stated in the press release issued on 15 September 2017 – will be published after the deadline set forth in art. 154 ter paragraph 2 of the Legislative Decree 58/98, as soon as the limited audit activities have been completed.

Declaration pursuant to Article 154-bis, paragraph two, of the Consolidated Finance Act

The Officer responsible for the preparation of the corporate accounting documents, Mr Paolo Allegretti, declares, pursuant to paragraph 2, art. 154-bis of the Consolidated Financial Act, that the accounting information that is contained in this press release correspond to the documentary results, the accounting books and records.