About Federico Zacaglioni

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So far Federico Zacaglioni has created 1704 blog entries.

Deposito documentazione Assemblea straordinaria del 2 marzo 2020

By |2021-05-31T10:21:04+02:0010.03.20|Comunicati Stampa|

algoWatt, GreenTech Solutions company quotata sul mercato telematico azionario (MTA) di Borsa Italiana, rende noto che in data odierna sono stati pubblicati sul sito internet della Società www.algowatt.com (sezione Investor Relations/Corporate Governance/Assemblee) nonché sul meccanismo di stoccaggio www.1Info.it. il verbale dell’Assemblea straordinaria degli azionisti tenutasi [...]

Relazione società di revisione sul bilancio consolidato semestrale abbreviato al 30 giugno 2019

By |2021-05-31T10:21:11+02:0010.03.20|Comunicati Stampa|

algoWatt, GreenTech Solutions company quotata sul mercato telematico azionario (MTA) di Borsa Italiana, rende noto che in data odierna la società di revisione EY S.p.A. ha depositato la propria relazione sul Bilancio consolidato semestrale abbreviato al 30 giugno 2019, ai sensi dell’artt. 14 del D.Lgs. [...]

Effectiveness of the change of company name to algoWatt S.p.A.

By |2020-03-09T11:47:39+01:009.03.20|Press Release|

Please note that today the resolution passed unanimously by the TerniEnergia Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting held on 2 March 2020, concerning the amendments to the Bylaws relating to the change of the company name and the transfer of the registered office, has been registered with the [...]

algoWatt: the new GreenTech Company is born from the merger of TerniEnergia and Softeco

By |2020-03-05T11:43:47+01:005.03.20|News, Press Release|

The company focuses for approximately 90% on digital solutions for sustainable economy through a new business model based on as-a-service software and for the remaining 10% on O&M activities for renewable energy plants Through the 3 Business Units, it focuses on the urban energy, [...]

The Shareholders’ Meeting approves the new company name and the transfer of the registered office

By |2020-03-03T10:24:51+01:002.03.20|News, Press Release|

Green light to the proposal to amend art. 1 of the Bylaws, which provides that the Company will be renamed "algoWatt S.p.A." and that the registered office will be transferred to Milano   The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of TerniEnergia Spa, a company listed on [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 31 Gennaio 2020

By |2020-03-02T17:02:00+01:0029.02.20|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, [...]

Registered in the commercial register of the deed of merger by incorporation of Softeco Sismat Srl into TerniEnergia SpA

By |2020-03-03T10:22:22+01:0028.02.20|News, Press Release|

Update of the corporate events calendar: management presentation webinar 4 March 2020 at 6.00 p.m.   TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, TerniEnergia, smart company listed on the Italian Stock [...]

Signed the deed of merger by incorporation of Softeco Sismat Srl in TerniEnergia SpA

By |2020-03-02T17:24:54+01:0020.02.20|News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, TerniEnergia, smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (MTA) of Borsa Italiana and part of Italeaf Group - following the press releases issued [...]

Agreement between Softeco and Sea-Side for the implementation of an integrated system of “Predictive Energy Analytics”

By |2020-03-04T17:30:22+01:006.02.20|Green Enterprise & Cities, News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the digital company Softeco Sismat has signed an industrial and commercial partnership with Seaside, an Italgas Group company operating in the energy [...]

The Board of Directors approves the new name and the change of registered office

By |2020-03-02T17:39:57+01:0029.01.20|News, Press Release|

Proposal to the Shareholders' Meeting to change the company name to AlgoWatt S.p.A. and transfer the registered office to Milan. Following the merger by incorporation of Softeco Sismat Srl into TerniEnergia, the main operational headquarters will be located in Genova The new name linked [...]