A webinar with algoWatt and AEIT on ‘Flexibility in energy systems: trends and perspectives’.

By |2024-05-02T10:06:29+02:0022.04.24|actuality, highlights, News, Research & Innovation|

The appointment is on 8 May from 4 to 5.30 p.m. CET with an 'International Joint Online Workshop' organised by AEIT (Italian Association of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Informatics and Telecommunications), AEE (AEIT's electricity company) and algoWatt S.p.A. The topic of the webinar is 'Flexibility [...]

algoWatt wins funding within the SIESTA project for a use case on Energy Communities

By |2024-01-03T09:39:25+01:003.01.24|highlights, Innovation, News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The company will act as a Digital Energy Service Provider and will receive a contribution of approximately Euro 351,000 from the project “SIESTA - Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics”, financed by the European Commission under the Horizon Programme algoWatt S.p.A., a GreenTech [...]

algoWatt si aggiudica finanziamento di circa 114 mila euro per il progetto INNOVACER a supporto delle Comunità Energetiche

By |2023-12-05T09:52:18+01:005.12.23|Comunicati Stampa, Highlights, Innovazione, Ricerca e innovazione|

algoWatt, GreenTech Company quotata sul mercato Euronext Milan di Borsa Italiana, comunica di aver ottenuto un finanziamento di circa Euro 114 mila (spesa complessiva del progetto Euro 230 mila circa) per attività di Digital Energy Service Provider sul progetto “INNOVACER - Innovazione dei processi [...]

algoWatt wins European funding under the Horizon programme for the ResilMESH project

By |2023-10-03T22:08:12+02:004.10.23|highlights, Innovation, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The company participates as an O&M service provider for photovoltaic systems via the PAM platform The research project contribution in the Digital Energy sector amounts to approximately Euro 255 thousand algoWatt will contribute to the validation activities with a significant use case dealing with [...]

algoWatt wins SAS Hackhaton in the Global Technology category with predictive software for Energy Communities

By |2023-06-05T13:10:30+02:005.06.23|Innovation, News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

Awarded to the group formed by algoWatt, University of Genoa and Oakland University Decision support tool for planning, sizing and operation of Renewable Energy Communities developed The overall winner of SAS Hackathon 2023 will be named at SAS Explore, the SAS AI and analytics [...]

Circular digitisation: Efficacity project activities for bulky waste recycling concluded

By |2023-05-31T07:58:34+02:0031.05.23|Innovation, News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The initiative led to the development of software to catalogue bulky waste and facilitate its collection and reuse AMIU Genova was the lead partner: a total value of around two million euro, financed with Por Fesr 2014-2020 funds algoWatt, a GreenTech Company listed on [...]

Experimentation with energy communities and virtual power plants starts on the island of Formentera (ESP)

By |2023-05-24T22:44:10+02:0025.05.23|actuality, Innovation, News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

First phase of meter installation completed as part of the Horizon 2020 VPP4ISLANDS project for smart energy communities (CERs) in islands • The project, which includes the introduction of virtual energy storage technology, digital twin and distributed ledger, contributes to the adoption of clean [...]

algoWatt e il Comune di Genova insieme per un futuro energetico sostenibile: scopri le prospettive delle Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili

By |2023-05-22T14:41:39+02:0017.05.23|attualità, Eventi, Innovazione, Notizie, Ricerca e innovazione|

Un evento di sensibilizzazione sulle CER, in collaborazione tra algoWatt e il Comune di Genova, mette in evidenza i vantaggi dei business model sostenibili e della piattaforma ER-Libra CE per il risparmio energetico. C'è un'energia nuova che si sta diffondendo a Genova, alimentata dalla [...]

Sundrone introduce l’intelligenza artificiale nelle ispezioni di impianti fotovoltaici con i droni

By |2023-09-05T09:23:13+02:003.05.23|Comunicati Stampa, Innovazione, Notizie, Ricerca e innovazione|

Attraverso la nuova soluzione implementata nel software proprietario PV Inspector sarà possibile ridurre i tempi di redazione dei report e incrementare l’affidabilità del servizio di ispezione nel visibile e termografica   algoWatt, GreenTech Solutions Company quotata sul mercato Euronext Milan di Borsa Italiana, annuncia che [...]

Innovazione ed efficienza energetica: algoWatt al Webinar del progetto SMART2B per edifici “intelligenti”

By |2023-05-22T14:41:58+02:0014.04.23|attualità, Innovazione, Notizie, Ricerca e innovazione|

Il 27 aprile 2023 alle ore 16.00 CET, algoWatt parteciperà al terzo webinar sull'innovazione del progetto Horizon 2020 "Smart2B", un progetto finanziato dall’Unione Europea, che punta a migliorare i livelli di “smartness” degli edifici esistenti attraverso il controllo coordinato di apparecchiature e di elettrodomestici intelligenti. [...]