L’internet of energy di Softeco protagonista ai Coffeetech di Confindustria Genova

By |2021-05-31T11:02:39+02:007.05.18|Ricerca e innovazione, Vecchie News|

E' ormai alle porte un cambio di paradigma nella gestione e nell'offerta dei servizi delle utilities. La distribuzione, il management e la fruizione di elettricità, gas, acqua e rifiuti cambieranno profondamente grazie all'affermazione delle nuove tecnologie digitali, facendo decollare una vera e propria Internet of [...]

Softeco Sismat e CENS di Savona sottoscrivono convenzione su ricerca e sviluppo per energia e smart cities

By |2018-04-27T16:00:17+02:0016.04.18|Ricerca e innovazione, Vecchie News|

Softeco Sismat, digital company del Gruppo TerniEnergia, e l’Università degli Studi di Genova – Centro di Servizio per il Polo Universitario di Savona (CENS), hanno sottoscritto una convenzione lo sviluppo e il consolidamento delle attività istituzionali di entrambe le parti incentrata su tecnologie digitali [...]

Postponement to 27 April 2018 of the approval of the draft financial statements and the consolidated financial statements as at 31/12/2017 for the definition of the Recovery and relaunch plan

By |2018-03-27T18:11:45+02:0027.03.18|Old News, Press Release|

Update on disposals, rationalisation and continuity with a focus on development in sectors with higher technological rates and added valueUpdate on the transition plan communicated on 24/10/20172018 Corporate events calendar The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia S.p.A. (the "Company"), which met today, resolved to postpone the [...]

Signed an agreement for the sale of 10 photovoltaic plants for a total of 11 MW

By |2018-03-19T11:54:50+01:0016.03.18|Old News, Press Release|

Made the deal with a leading international investment operator for the sale of the assets, that will be transferred into a Newco Transaction price of approximately Euro 6.2 million, Enterprise Value of the assets of approximately Euro 34 million The tax credits relating to [...]

TerniEnergia re-enters into possession of all the shares of the JVs Energia Alternativa and Solter and of the 50% of the JV Sol Tarenti

By |2018-03-12T21:36:24+01:0012.03.18|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a company listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that it has today returned into its possession of 100% of the share capital of the Joint Ventures Energia Alternativa and Solter and of the [...]

Softeco Sismat underwrites contract for ticketing and smart payment solutions for Caronte & Tourist

By |2019-09-17T09:58:52+02:0030.01.18|Old News, Press Release, Research & Innovation|

The agreement for a total value of approximately Euro 2 million will involve the Group's digital company in a two-year project to reorganise the Villa San Giovanni port terminal and build a new plant in Villa Agip. I twill be provided for the implementation [...]

Received a binding offer for the purchase of PV assets for a total equity value of up to Euro 16.6 million

By |2018-03-12T17:08:52+01:0018.12.17|Old News, Press Release|

The proposal concerns some of the non-strategic assets owned by the subsidiary SPVs Energia Alternativa, Soltarenti, Guglionesi and Solter The proposal concerns 17 photovoltaic plants with a total installed capacity of 16.8 MW The transaction envisages the acquisition by the buyer of financial debts [...]