Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 31 Luglio 2019

By |2019-08-30T18:24:53+02:0030.08.19|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, entro [...]

Published the Terms and conditions of the bond loan “Euro 25,000,000.00 notes two 2019 – ISIN Code: IT0004991573”

By |2019-08-08T10:09:32+02:008.08.19|Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group announces that on 8 August 2019 the Terms and Conditions of the bond "TerniEnergia Euro 25,000,000,00 notes due 2019 - ISIN Code: IT0004991573" has been [...]

The Group’s digital company Softeco obtains two framework contracts with Leonardo for the design of SCADA systems and software applications for airport sorting

By |2019-08-08T07:01:17+02:008.08.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the Group's digital company, Softeco Sismat obtained two framework contracts for a period of 24 months, between 30/7/2019 and 29/7/2021, and which [...]

The final draft of the Recovery and Relaunch Plan has been approved

By |2019-08-07T10:23:34+02:007.08.19|Old News, Press Release|

Update of the corporate event agenda The Board of Directors of TerniEnergia S.p.A. ("TerniEnergia" or the "Company"), which met today, approved the final draft of the Recovery and relaunch plan for the period 2018-2022, aimed at restoring the financial and equity balance of the Company, [...]

Closing for the sale of 50% of the shares of a JV owning two photovoltaic plants for 1.9 MW

By |2019-08-02T13:51:15+02:002.08.19|Old News, Press Release|

Consideration for the transaction, finalized with NextPower II Alpha S.r.l., amounting to approximately Euro 1.3 million; the transaction involves the assumption by the buyer of financial debts related to the plants for about Euro 2 million (relating to the share of TerniEnergia). The company [...]

Informativa mensile al mercato ai sensi dell’Art. 114, c. 5, D. Lgs. n. 58/98 al 30 Giugno 2019

By |2019-07-31T18:03:22+02:0031.07.19|Comunicati Stampa|

Si fa riferimento alla richiesta di Consob datata 12 giugno 2018 - formulata ai sensi dell'articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs n. 58/1998 in sostituzione degli obblighi di informativa fissati con la precedente nota del 13 dicembre 2017 - di diffondere al mercato, entro [...]

The Bondholders’ Meeting relating to the “Euro 25,000,000.00 notes due 2019 – ISIN code IT0004991573” has resolved upon the bondholders’ participation to the Plan and upon the amendments to the Bond Regulation

By |2019-07-30T13:40:38+02:0030.07.19|Old News, Press Release|

The meeting of the bondholders (the "Bondholders' Meeting") of the "TerniEnergia Euro 25,000,000.00 notes due 2019 - ISIN code IT0004991573" bond (the "Bond"), was held before the Chairman Stefano Neri and the Notary Adele Cesàro in Milan at the first convening, today, 30 July 2019 [...]

Informativa richiesta da Consob ai sensi dell’articolo 114, comma 5, del D. Lgs. n. 58/1998

By |2019-07-23T20:16:39+02:0023.07.19|Comunicati Stampa|

TerniEnergia, smart company quotata sul mercato telematico azionario (MTA) di Borsa Italiana e parte del Gruppo Italeaf, in merito al procedimento n. 96916/19 avviato in relazione alle ipotesi di non conformità ai principi contabili internazionali del bilancio consolidato al 31 dicembre 2017 e della relazione [...]

Launching of the energy consumption analysis service for ENAV, with a dedicated platform developed by Softeco

By |2019-07-22T07:06:24+02:0022.07.19|Old News, Press Release|

TerniEnergia, a smart company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange's electronic share market (MTA) and part of the Italeaf Group, announces that the Group’s digital company Softeco obtained a contract from ENAV, the company that manages civil air traffic in Italy, for the supply [...]