Alliance between TerniEnergia and Roma Gas & Power to respond to the growing demand for energy efficiency in the corporate sector and public administrations

By |2016-07-21T10:44:36+02:0021.07.16|Press Release|

Through the transaction the two companies intend to develop new opportunities to supply integrated addressed to energy users, covering the entire value chain Roma Gas & Power and TerniEnergia, each for its own part, will share and integrate their respective know how to provide innovative [...]

Roadshow per la presentazione di HUB – Eventi a Roma, Torino e Padova per il lancio della nuova formula operativa della Business Line “Energy saving” del Gruppo

By |2018-10-19T15:13:26+02:0029.06.16|Comunicati Stampa|

TerniEnergia, smart energy company attiva nei settori dell’energia da fonti rinnovabili, dell’efficienza energetica, del waste e dell’energy management, quotata sul segmento Star di Borsa Italiana e parte del Gruppo Italeaf, ha realizzato “HUB – Turn on the energy saving” una nuova formula di alleanza [...]