Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA 2011 awards the 500 high-tech European companies with largest growth, TerniEnergia ranked the first place of 3 Italian companies

By |2011-11-25T15:08:45+01:0025.11.11|Press Release|

At the prestigious site of the Tower of London was held yesterday afternoon, the awards ceremony of the 2011 edition of the "Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA", one of the most authoritative rankings in the technology sector which rewards the efforts and dedication of the [...]

TERNIENERGIA: 2011-2013 Business plan update

By |2011-09-27T17:10:44+02:0027.09.11|Press Release|

In a changed macroeconomic and sectorial scenario, the Group aimed at growing margins through  the following guidelines: Entry into “Energy Saving” business with a  2013 target to  57.000 area lights installed  and  early plants ORC  (Organic cycle for energy recovery) Starting of  International business  projects [...]

Errata corrige

By |2011-09-08T11:21:44+02:008.09.11|Press Release|

In reference to the internal dealing No 1052-93 issued on september 07, 2011 about buying shares of 3,000 for a total amount of € 7,763.53, this is to inform that this operation was performed by Stefano Neri (person performing administrative and control activities) and not by Emilio Neri (a person [...]