Excedeed the target of 2010 business plan: installed 76 plants with a total installed power of 77.2 MWp

TerniEnergia, a company operating in the renewable energy field, listed on Star segment of Borsa Italiana, just in the fourth quarter of 2010 completed the building of 31 new industrial sized photovoltaic plants, for a total installed power of 33.3 MWp. Notably 4.4 MWp were performed for Joint Venture’s Power Generation business, while the remaining were made on behalf of third parties.
New photovoltaic plants are located in Sardegna, Umbria, Lazio, Puglia, Piemonte, Abruzzo, Veneto, Toscana e Campania regions.Therefore, in 2010 the total number of installed plants increased to 76 with a total installed power of 77.2 MWp, 29.5 MWp of which were performed for JV’s power generation business and the remaining were performed on behalf of third parties.
The total number of plants built by TerniEnergia from the beginning of its activity until December, 31st 2010 increased to 204 for a total aggregate capacity of 117.2 MWp, 49.3 MWp of which were performed for JV’s power generation business.Recorded industrial results of the fourth quarter 2010 confirm excellent performance and the significant business increase if compared to 2009 (in the fourth quarter of 2009 6 photovoltaic plants were installed for a total installed power of 5.5 MWp, 3.9 MWp of which were performed for joint venture companies).
Completion of new P.V. plants confirms TerniEnergia’s significant growth of its industrial skill. The company has widely exceeded the target of the 2010 business plan and emerges with clear evidence the production increase in direction of the Power Generation business.