Community-based Interoperability Utility for SMEs


Commius delivers an adaptable and customisable software prototype, providing SMEs with “zero-cost entry” into interoperability and allowing them to reuse existing and familiar applications for electronic communication. This is made possible by a number of innovative scientific, technical and business advances over the existing state-of-art.


Commius delivers an adaptable and customisable software prototype, providing SMEs with “zero-cost entry” into interoperability and allowing them to reuse existing and familiar applications for electronic communication. This is made possible by a number of innovative scientific, technical and business advances over the existing state-of-art.

The solution will be downloaded with an SME’s consent using automated self-installation routines. It will then hook into their email infrastructure and collaboration systems like a common anti-spam or anti-virus software, proceeding then to establish interoperability agreements with the peers of the SME at the levels of system, semantics and even process.

The consortium validated the results using three business cases: The first case concerns cross-border interoperability and collaboration to support SMEs in the management of customs and export procedures in Spain. The second business case is focused on a network of SMEs in an ‘industrial district’ in the Genoa area (SIIT-PMI) which need to cooperate in a large software production application. The third case focuses on supporting enterprise resource planning interoperability in Greece.

Interoperability Services which address SMEs’ requirements need to adopt flexible, bottom-up, easy to use, and scalable approaches. According to Enterprise Interoperability Research Roadmap (and related project), the message from the market is clear: a single, monolithic solution for Enterprise Interoperability resting on proprietary protocols and captive markets is untenable in a climate of change, unworkable in real businesses, and strategically undesirable for promoting innovation and growth.

Commius partners envision a future in which SMEs enjoy a “zero-cost entry” into interoperability based on non-proprietary protocols, as described in the following illustrative example on purchase via email.

Upon receiving its first purchase order via email, an SME would be able to “opt in” by pressing a button to download the required interoperability module; or it may choose to remain “opted out”, using a simple email infrastructure and simply processing the purchase order as usual. This will allow an SME to participate in interoperability and collaboration procedures without installing the Commius software. Should interoperability demands reach some “critical mass”, then an SME can decide to install Commius software to automate their interoperability tasks. “Opting in” will enroll an SME into one of a growing number of Commius-enabled communities of interoperable companies, and automatically support it in achieving interoperability at system, semantic and process level.

An SME user of Commius will not be forced to install new interoperability solutions, adopt new working tools nor change its organisation and business model. It is important to mention that Commius interoperability solutions will evolve with an organisation, adapting to the user needs and according to extant ICT infrastructures.

Commius supports all points mentioned above by concretizing the following objectives:

  • Methods and components for system interoperability.
  • A framework for semantic interoperability.
  • Methods and components for process interoperability.
  • An open source framework for interoperability and collaboration suitable for seamless integration within a network enterprise environment and focused on SMEs’ needs.
  • A set of validated tools based on three business cases. The prototype was validated in some scenarios of use.


A consolidated research group with a renowned academic and industrial profile.

  • algoWatt SpA (IT)
  • University of Manchester (GB)
  • German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DE)
  • Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK)
  • Vienna University of Technology (AT)
  • Atos Origin (ES)
  • SingularLogic (GR)
  • Fedit, Federación Española de Entidades de Innovación y Tecnología (ES)
  • Aitek SpA (IT)
  • Techfin SrL (IT)



algoWatt SpA


European Commission – Seventh Framework Programme Theme 1.3 “ICT in support of the networked enterprise”


36 months



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